The Bulkmatic Vacuum Distribution Pot is designed to feed plastic pellets or granular material from the bottom of a silo to up to eight outlets.
Vacuum Distribution Pots
The Bulkmatic Vacuum Distribution Pot is designed to feed plastic pellets or granular material from the bottom of a silo to up to eight outlets. Multiple vacuum conveying lines can be connected to the distributor to feed multiple injection molding, blow molding or master-batch machines. Conveying air nozzles are integrated into the horizontal outlet spigots and the amount of air drawn through the nozzle can be adjusted by rotating the adjuster plates by hand. The inlet to the distributor is fitted with a shut-off plate that can be actuated with a lever fitted to the bottom of the distributor casing. This allows flow to the distributor to be shut off completely if a foreign object gets stuck in any of the nozzles. A lockable back entry hatch can be opened to clean out any debris or to remove any remaining material during switch-over to a different product. When the silo has to be emptied completely the bottom cover plate can be removed  without affecting the top slotted closure plate at the inlet to the distributor. The handle can be refitted and the slotted plate rotated by hand to allow the contents of the silo to flow out of the bottom in a controlled manner.
Standard size is a 400 NB inlet with up to eight 50NB outlet spigots