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Bulkmatic Vaculoaders are designed for distribution of pellets and powders to multiple points from a central hopper with feed rates up to 600 kg/hr.



Bulkmatic Vaculoaders are designed for distribution of pellets and powders to multiple points from a central hopper with feed rates up to 600 kg/hr. The unit is available in two robust modular configurations. The first is typically used for conveying plastic pellets that have no dust content. In this case a filter gauze is fitted to the head to prevent foreign particles from being drawn into the lateral channel vacuum blower.

Where powders are to be conveyed an additional section is added that houses a complete reverse jet pulse filtration system. This ensures that dust and powder is not drawn through the lateral channel blower and exhausted to atmosphere.

The system comprises of a lateral channel exhauster that is used to generate the suction vacuum, single or multiple loading heads, the suction box and the associated conveying piping. A single conveying line is used on multiple head systems and the sequencing is controlled via PLC.

An important advantage over competitive systems is the fact that the conveying line is purged of all material at the end of the conveying cycle. This allows the switchover from one type of pellet to another on the same line and is useful in the plastics manufacturing industry where different machines are fed with different raw materials.

Vaculoaders can be used individually to load only one point or as a complete central vacuum system when used together with up to 8 other Vaculoaders. The vacuum head is used for powder conveying –  the section below the top dome houses tube filter bags that are automatically cleaned by pulsing the bags with compressed air. The lateral channel exhauster is able to generate a much higher vacuum. The suction tube is designed so that the conveying rate can be adjusted by changing the immersion depth into the material and adjusting the false air suction through the rose fitting collar. Multiple suction port boxes can also be supplied where more that one conveying line feeds from a silo or daybin.

Standard feed rates are: 3kW up to 300 kg/hr or 4kW up to 600 kg/hr. Other feed rates can be accommodated on request.

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